Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Finished!!!

A full race report to follow, but I finished a long training day at the Gulf Coast Triathlon. I spent 7 hours 59 minutes on the course, but I am really happy with my porgress. I did not push any part of the race, and stayed mainly in my zone 1 & 2 heart rates for teh entire event. I feel ready to start the hard training for Ironman, and get some speed back. On a funny note, I rode 35+ mile with my brake dragging. Once I lossened up my break my speed picked up...ooops.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Headed to PCB

Susie and I are heaed to Panama City florida today. I will be doing the Gulf Coast half Ironman on Saturday! Keep me in your thoughts & prayers. Full race report to follow.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Butterflies Have Begun!

I have my first triathlon of the year, and it is the Gulf Coast Halfironman this weekend. I'm starting to get butterflies in the tummy, which is a great sign. Even though I'm not fast, and I will be closer to the back of the pack, I still get butterflies. It's not about beating others, or even my time, it's about proving that I can still push my body farther than most people. It gives me a good feeling to know that cancer, blood clots and broken legs can't keep my spirit down. I will be in the back of the back with other survivors, and i am proud to be one of them. The stories of triumph over tradegy at the back of the pack in triathlon keep me going, anbd I hope that i can inspire others to LiveStrong!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Help me raise $10K for Cancer Survivorship!

Click Here To Help!!!

Ok, so you see a lot about Ironman on this page, but there is a big reason I am doing it this year. It is a celebration of being cancer free for 10 years. What better way to celebrate, than raise $10,000 for the Livestrong Foundation. The LAF's Ride for the Roses was the first bike ride I did post cancer. To help a casue that is near and dear to my heart, I need your help, and the help of your entire social network. Whether it is $1 or $100 dollars it is going to an organization that promotes life after cancer. If your organization is interested in getting brand exposure during races, I am looking for sponsors. Please contact me directly about sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors money will be a donation to the Livestrong Foundation, and a small perecentage to my training and racing expenses for the year. I look forward to hearing from you, and appreciate any help that you and your network can provide!!!!


Click Here To Help!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another Day Closer

I have my first Half Ironman of the year on May 10, and I am feeling good about the bike and run. The swim is a little rusty, but coming back. I'm using the Gulf Coast Ironman as a long training day, and on May 19th I start my online Ironman training program. I can't thank my wife, Susie, enough for all her support. I know it is hard living with a tir-geek. I'm really having fun training, and love each days efforts...ok..I hate running intervals.

Just a little warning. I am going to begin a fundraising effort for the LiveStrong foundation, and I will need your help and the help of your network. I am trying to raise $10K for 10 years of being cancer free. Look for more information to follow on how you can donate.

Hope all is well in your lives!


Friday, April 18, 2008

Training is Going Great!

After a little knee problem, and a little rest with reduced running load, I am feeling normal again. I'm up to about 10-12 hours per week training, and headed for about 20. The balance between life, work and training is a delicate one, but I'm getting into a groove. Next week I'm going to get in the water a little more, as that has been the sport I'm neglecting the most building my run and bike base. I am about three weeks away from more first half Ironman of the year, and I just want to use it as a training day. The goal to finish!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I thought it would be fun to blog this year. This blog will be all over the place, because my life is much that way. Mostly it will be about my life, my love (Susie and Triathlon), technology, and training for the Ironman.

Let me answer the number one question I get...why do you want to do an Ironman? It's really simple...when I was battling cancer in 1997 I watched the race on tv, and decided it was something that I wanted accomplish to prove that I beat cancer. Well approaching 11 years later I have not crossed that finish line, I know that I have beat cancer, but there is some unfinished business. I tried in 2003 to do my first Ironman, but suffered a blood clot 6 weeks before the race. In 2005 I broke my leg, and suffered another blood clot. Finally, I feel great, and ready to tackle this beast of a race. With full support of my beautiful wife, we decided that this would be a great year for me to chase this dream. So the chase has started...

People often ask me what it is like to train for a race like this, so I decided to keep my training diary for other's to read and support me through the process.

Here is today's entry in my TriBlog:

75 minutes on the trainer with a focus on high cadence sets.
35 minutes easy run.
Weight: 182.5 lbs
Resting Heart rate: 57

The race is November 1, 2008 in Panama City, Florida; with my first race this year being a Half Ironman on the same course on May 10. For those of you that are new to the world of triathlon, an Ironman consist of the following:

2.4 mile Ocean Swim
112 mile Bike
26.2 mile Run

and yes I have a full time job that fully supports my insanity...thanks Turner Sports!

Well that's the first of many postings...
