Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another Day Closer

I have my first Half Ironman of the year on May 10, and I am feeling good about the bike and run. The swim is a little rusty, but coming back. I'm using the Gulf Coast Ironman as a long training day, and on May 19th I start my online Ironman training program. I can't thank my wife, Susie, enough for all her support. I know it is hard living with a tir-geek. I'm really having fun training, and love each days efforts...ok..I hate running intervals.

Just a little warning. I am going to begin a fundraising effort for the LiveStrong foundation, and I will need your help and the help of your network. I am trying to raise $10K for 10 years of being cancer free. Look for more information to follow on how you can donate.

Hope all is well in your lives!


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