Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Finished!!!

A full race report to follow, but I finished a long training day at the Gulf Coast Triathlon. I spent 7 hours 59 minutes on the course, but I am really happy with my porgress. I did not push any part of the race, and stayed mainly in my zone 1 & 2 heart rates for teh entire event. I feel ready to start the hard training for Ironman, and get some speed back. On a funny note, I rode 35+ mile with my brake dragging. Once I lossened up my break my speed picked up...ooops.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Headed to PCB

Susie and I are heaed to Panama City florida today. I will be doing the Gulf Coast half Ironman on Saturday! Keep me in your thoughts & prayers. Full race report to follow.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Butterflies Have Begun!

I have my first triathlon of the year, and it is the Gulf Coast Halfironman this weekend. I'm starting to get butterflies in the tummy, which is a great sign. Even though I'm not fast, and I will be closer to the back of the pack, I still get butterflies. It's not about beating others, or even my time, it's about proving that I can still push my body farther than most people. It gives me a good feeling to know that cancer, blood clots and broken legs can't keep my spirit down. I will be in the back of the back with other survivors, and i am proud to be one of them. The stories of triumph over tradegy at the back of the pack in triathlon keep me going, anbd I hope that i can inspire others to LiveStrong!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Help me raise $10K for Cancer Survivorship!

Click Here To Help!!!

Ok, so you see a lot about Ironman on this page, but there is a big reason I am doing it this year. It is a celebration of being cancer free for 10 years. What better way to celebrate, than raise $10,000 for the Livestrong Foundation. The LAF's Ride for the Roses was the first bike ride I did post cancer. To help a casue that is near and dear to my heart, I need your help, and the help of your entire social network. Whether it is $1 or $100 dollars it is going to an organization that promotes life after cancer. If your organization is interested in getting brand exposure during races, I am looking for sponsors. Please contact me directly about sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors money will be a donation to the Livestrong Foundation, and a small perecentage to my training and racing expenses for the year. I look forward to hearing from you, and appreciate any help that you and your network can provide!!!!


Click Here To Help!!!