Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another Day Closer

I have my first Half Ironman of the year on May 10, and I am feeling good about the bike and run. The swim is a little rusty, but coming back. I'm using the Gulf Coast Ironman as a long training day, and on May 19th I start my online Ironman training program. I can't thank my wife, Susie, enough for all her support. I know it is hard living with a tir-geek. I'm really having fun training, and love each days efforts...ok..I hate running intervals.

Just a little warning. I am going to begin a fundraising effort for the LiveStrong foundation, and I will need your help and the help of your network. I am trying to raise $10K for 10 years of being cancer free. Look for more information to follow on how you can donate.

Hope all is well in your lives!


Friday, April 18, 2008

Training is Going Great!

After a little knee problem, and a little rest with reduced running load, I am feeling normal again. I'm up to about 10-12 hours per week training, and headed for about 20. The balance between life, work and training is a delicate one, but I'm getting into a groove. Next week I'm going to get in the water a little more, as that has been the sport I'm neglecting the most building my run and bike base. I am about three weeks away from more first half Ironman of the year, and I just want to use it as a training day. The goal to finish!